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Basics Knowledge Of Computer for Competitive Examination (Storage Devices)

5. Storage Devices

  • Storage Devices :
   Storage devices are used to store data permanently. The primary storage of a computer is not sufficient for storing the data in a computer because of limited capacity and due to volatile nature. There additional memory. i.e. Secondary Storage is required. The following chart shows the various secondary storage devices.

Basics Knowledge Of Computer for Competitive Examination (Storage Devices)

   Software is a group of instructions required to run the computer. Without software, hardware cannot do anything. Both are complementary to each other. software is divided into two major categories:-
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

   The system software is a group of programs designed to control the operation and extend the processing capability of a computer system. For Example, an operating system, Programming Language Translators, Utility Programs.

   Application Software is a group of programs designed to solve a specific problem or do a specific task. For example, the Library Management system, which caters to the need for library Only, Word Processing software, Spreadsheet Software, Database Software, or Entertainment Software.

Different Layers Of Computer :

Different Layers Of Computer :

  Software Programs are written in programming language.
   There are two Categories of computer Language:-
   1. Low-Level language / Machine Language
   2. High-Level Language
   Low Levell language is understood by every computer without using a translation program. It is written in binary form i.e. Inform of 0's and 1's. There were many limitations of Machine level language, therefore to overcome their limitations assembly language i.e. also a low-level language was introduced in 1952.

Definition of assembly Language: A language they allows instructions and storage locations to be represented by letters and symbols instead of numbers. Assembly language has got assembler which converts assembly language program to machine language program. 

   A high-level language is comparatively easy to use and understand because its syntax is in simple English. The programmer do not need to memorize the details of the working of Computers.

Example of Low-level Language: Machine Language and Assembly Language.

Example of High-level Language: FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, C, C++, JAVA, LISP.

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